On page 2 of articles 8 - 9, the report states that:
“The Chair of the CSTD establishes a Working Group of 15 member states plus the five member states which hosted the IGF meetings plus the two member states which hosted WSIS. This Working Group will seek, compile, and review inputs from all member states and all other stakeholders on improvement of the Internet Governance Forum, in an open and inclusive manner throughout the process.
The Chair invites the following stakeholders to interactively participate in the
Working Group, bearing in mind the established rules of procedure of the
ECOSOC, who will remain fully engaged throughout the process:
- 5 representatives from the business community
- 5 representatives from civil society
- 5 representatives from the technical and academic community
- 5 representatives from Intergovernmental organizations
Pursuant to the ECOSOC decisions 2010/226, 2010/227, and 2010/228, maximum possible assistance, diversity of ideas, and equal representation of stakeholders from developing and developed countries in the Working Group should be ensured in consultation with the stakeholders.
The report of this Working Group will be adopted by consensus.”

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